Can't Able To Receive any Payments and Make any payments

I’m not able to receive payments from 2 diffrent bank accounts via UPI and also can’t able to make any payments via card from the last 6 hours.

Hey @YousufSarfaraz! Welcome to Niyo Community!

We kindly request you to reach out to our in-app Live Chat support team or inbox us your registered mobile so that we can check this for you.


Don’t credit to my account 600 and don’t
Show statement please so
Please tell me how to receive my 600 rupay

Hey @Manoj_Chouhan! We kindly request you to reach out to our in-app Live Chat support by going to Menu > Support from your NiyoX app and help us with the transaction details so that we can get this checked for you.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Need loan personal loan