Money debited 5 times for one payment

I was ordering food in Uber eats (in USA)with niyo global using PayPal. The transaction failed but the amount 3,589.34 rupees has been debited 5 times and I got one 3,589.34 rupees back again remaining 14,357.36 rupees is unknown the Uber eats is saying they didn’t receive the amount contact the bank. I really regret for taking this niyo global card I can’t talk to a single agent to solve this and they ask to mail any problem we have so I raised a ticket they gave a reply to mail and closed the ticket without even solving the problem. I don’t know what to do and what happened to my money also. Someone help me out from this.

Hey @HARSHA_RAJ_REDDY! Welcome to the Niyo Community!

Please accept our apologies for the delay. Kindly note that this was only a temporary glitch that led to this confusion. Your funds have only been debited once for the transaction. If there have been multiple deductions for the same transaction, we request you to wait for 15 business days and the funds should get auto-reversed. Our team should also have responded back to you in your email. Kindly reach back if you have any further doubts, we will be happy to help!. LK