Deducted money from account

My ATM card limit is crossed, what am I not withdrawing from ATM card for 4 month, still Rs 3000 was deducted from my account ,very bad experience with Niyo global please refund , I attached snapshot
My details
Costumer I’d - R000433559
Today , Quitting using ATM

Hey @Amir_Quraishi! As we checked and as per the screenshot, the ATM withdrawal fee has been debited on the 15th of Oct for the ATM withdrawals that you’ve made in the previous months. Unfortunately, we cannot refund these charges.


This is wrong with me. Which is such a bank that takes ATM charge after 4 months. Every single bank takes its charge immediately. Please refund. i will never use in future :rage::rage:

Hey @Amir_Quraishi! We agree that the ATM withdrawal fee should be debited immediately at the time of the transaction. However, it’s taking a slightly longer time. We are working on it and we may update that in the near future.