Not able to create account in niyo global applications

Hey . I have added the details on niyo global application. Its been 24 hours and the account isn’t getting created. My registration number is 8878245704 and name is rishika Khosla. I am in urgent need of niyo global card. Please responce. My email is

Hey @Rishika! Welcome to Niyo Community!

Your privacy matters to us. We always request you share your details only via direct message or through live chat support.

Your account creation is pending. There seems to be an issue that has occurred on the bank side while creating your account. We’ve highlighted this to our team and they will have this checked for you. Kindly note that it may take some more time.

If your travel date is near, you may try NiyoX which offers a 0 forex markup for international transactions like Niyo Global.


Thank you foe messaging .I have reached out to niyo x , but there has been an issue with the application too. I have shared my concern with niyo global email id . Here is the screenshot of the same. I am not able to proceed with the niyo x app . hope to get a response soon

Hey @Rishika! We are sorry about this. For the issue that you have been facing with Niyo Global, we have notified our team. We’ll reach out to you as soon as we receive an update on it.


Thank you for your response. hope the team gets in touch soon

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