Niyo account number not generated

My customer id is generated but my niyo account number has not been generated
Please help i am not able to transfer money
Order the card

Same is the issue with me , there is no1 responding to the chats if no 1 is responding so what is the support team doing …

Hi @Saurabh_Dubey2, welcome to our community! This is Something unusual. Please do not worry! We’re here to help. You may inbox us your registered mobile number. Alternatively, you can write to from your registered email and our team will further get this checked. Thank you!

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Hi manisha ,
Have done that … what will be the eta for resolution…
Ticket number 1345081

Hi @Saurabh_Dubey2, this is not the experience we want you to have. We have escalated this to the bank on your behalf, and we will try to update you as soon as we can.

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Thanks, My travel has planned soon if this is not resolved on time i will have no option other then to choose from other providers like Thomascook,SBI or axis etc.

Hi @Saurabh_Dubey2 thank you for the time over the call. As per our discussion, I understand that the issue has been resolved to your satisfaction. Feel free to connect with us if you face any difficulty. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:!

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Thanks a lot for timely response and calling me to resolve my problem … Kudos to you !! :saluting_face: