My Niyo Flight Booking Experience!

:star2: Exciting Niyo Experience! :star2:

Hello everyone! I’m thrilled to share an incredible experience I had with the Niyo Flight booking feature that truly exceeded my expectations! :airplane:

Recently, I decided to book a flight for an upcoming trip and took advantage of the Niyo app. I redeemed an impressive 17,100 Niyo Coins to book a VISTARA Premium Economy flight. The original price was ₹9,839, but thanks to my Niyo Coins, I snagged it for just ₹8,129! And the best part? There were absolutely zero convenience fees, what an amazing bonus! :partying_face::tada:

This experience really highlights the fantastic perks of using the Niyo SBM Credit Card. I use it not only for international transactions but also for domestic purchases to fully take advantage of all the benefits associated with it and to rack up those Niyo Coins, and it’s truly paid off. :star_struck:

If you haven’t explored these features yet, I highly encourage you to check it out. You might be surprised at how much you can save and earn! :hugs:

Thank you, Niyo, for making travel so enjoyable and rewarding. :heart:

Happy travels, everyone! :earth_africa::sparkles:


Hey @anuragalive! Thanks for sharing your experience! It’s great to see how you saved using your Niyo Coins and had a smooth booking. :partying_face:

Feel free to share more experiences like this—we love hearing them! :heart_hands:

Cheers & Safe travels! :airplane: :blush: