Launching Connections: Your Introduction, Your Way

Hey there! :smiley:

Welcome to the Niyo Global Community! We’re thrilled to have you join us. :raised_hands:

Let’s kick off by getting to know each other better. Here’s a quick introduction to help break the ice:

:bust_in_silhouette: Your Name
:earth_asia: Where you’re calling home from
:mortar_board: Your current profession or university
:star2: Your interests, hobbies, or a cool fun fact about yourself
:thinking: And if you’re up for it, anything else that you’re eager to tell us?

Now, let’s lean back and watch the magic of connections and idea exchanges unfold within this remarkable community! :dizzy:


Hello, I am Dr. Shagun.

I finished my MBBS at Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune.
I’m currently on my pathway to apply for residency/ post graduate in the field of radiology in the US. I’m gaining my clinical experience in the United States. Since moving here in May, 2023 I have worked at the university of South Florida, the Cleveland clinic and I’m currently at the University of Texas, Medical Branch.

I came to the US with just Niyo Global DCB card, Niyo SBM credit card. I use the credit card for my day-to-day expenses, the debit card for booking rentals. So far I have not experienced any glitch in the payment.

I am into nature walks and reading good books. This is what has been keeping me grounded in a new country with new people where I change cities every month.

I was very apprehensive about traveling to a new country all by my own. Since I did not join a student program I wasn’t a part of a community or support group or did not have any students around me. It was very stressful and the thought of getting stranded in a foreign country with no money was excruciating. The community at Niyo to cover that fear and apprehension and I had one less stress to deal with. I want to get back to the community as the ambassador.

I am not very active on the internet so people can consider me and the social. However, I am very social person in real life. Almost like a boomer I believe in putting the phone down and having real conversations.

You can reach out to me about medical pathways to come to the US. But in that you can also reach out to me to ask about best apps to find cheap and safe accommodations, staying on a budget in the United States, safety tips doing traveling, and medical insurances to book during travel.


Hey @Dr_Shagun, a huge welcome to the Niyo Global Community! Hope you have a blast here. :tada::partying_face:


Hi everyone, I am Yash Patil. I will start my M.S. in Mechanical Engineering this Fall 2023 at the Arizona State University’s Tempe Campus. Before joining ASU for my master’s, I had a year of work experience and a year of internship experience. I have been a Niyo customer since May 2022 and the money I saved during my MS application process, including college application, Visa fee, etc., I could spend now, since I am in the US. P.S. I already have spent it on purchasing a Bus Travel pass.
As for my interests, I have always been fond of Video games and Tennis. I do love watching the ATP series. But in more recent times, I have been more engaged in e-Sports. The one video game I enjoy the most is Escape from Tarkov.
I have joined this program because, apart from early access to the products, I love being the voice of a group, leading, demonstrating, and conveying certain things that people usually think are not pertinent, but also encouraging others to do the same. The thing that brought me here, to Niyo Global, I have noticed with my social circle and in different forums that many are still getting tricked into getting certain products. E.g., usually, the financial institutions providing Education Loans to students, are forcing or strongly suggesting they get their forex cards, which usually have higher charges attributed to them and defeating the purpose of taking an education loan to avoid paying higher TCS. Sorry for the rant. :stuck_out_tongue:
The one thing you won’t find out about me over the internet is details about my private life. I consider myself a very closed-off person and don’t share my accomplishments and feelings over the internet but with only a select few.
Since I am a mechanical engineer, I consider myself pretty good at Engineering Design, CAD modeling, and in recent years, repairing mobile electronics. Although I have started learning more about finance, I still consider myself a novice. Also, I have started to get more involved in anime and so far, I’ve binged about 100 or so.
I hope to learn more about you all in the upcoming days and thoroughly enjoy being part of the Niyo Community Ambassador.
P.S. Sorry for the disjointed texts, I am still working on my linguistics skill.


Hey, hey, @yashpatil10103! Welcome to the Niyo Global Community. Prepare for a fantastic journey filled with fun and excitement! :nerd_face::confetti_ball:


Hi, I’m Aaditya Chandra Prasanth, and I’m delighted to connect with you. :hugs:

My journey has led me from IHM Chennai, where I completed my graduation, to my current phase of preparing for a Masters in International Hospitality Management at the University College Birmingham in the UK. While I’m on the brink of this significant transition, I’m presently enjoying my time in Alleppey, Kerala, my hometown. :innocent:

My initiation into the world of financial management began at the age of 18 with Niyo, as I frequently embarked on international journeys to represent India in the realm of Science. Starting with NiyoX, I progressed to Niyo Global SBM and later to Niyo Global DCB. Throughout this journey, I’ve maximized the utility of these debit cards wherever and whenever possible. :money_mouth_face:

My passions encompass culinary arts, motorcycle riding, immersing myself in captivating audio tracks as an ardent audiophile, and of course, exploring new destinations. Even as I indulge in these pursuits, I still find time for a bit of BGMI gaming! :sweat_smile:

There’s an unquenchable thirst within me for discovering new countries. This penchant for exploration grants me the perspective of a curious 5-year-old, eagerly absorbing the novel experiences each place offers. As an outgoing individual, I’ve been fortunate to extract knowledge from various communities and reciprocate by serving as an Ambassador for the Niyo Global Community. :face_with_monocle:

If you need any assistance or insights into areas such as travel tips and tricks, queries about mobile networks, hospitality, flight bookings, or even some guidance on BGMI, feel free to reach out. I’m here to lend a hand and share what I’ve learned. :wink:


Well met :handshake:, @junioressarpee! Your presence in the Niyo Global Community is a cause for celebration. Let the good times roll! :star_struck:


hello to the people of Niyo global community :grin:
I’m S Jaya Sai Charan from AP, India.

Right now, I’m pursuing my masters in computers Science at University of central Missouri, came for the fall 22 intake. So, it’s more than a year I have been staying in overland park, Kansas. I will be graduating by end of this year.

Coming to my hobbies listening to music, reading books and playing games (copy pasted from my resume). Basically, I’m an introverted person so you can guess my hobbies I play Call of duty Mobile (you can challenge me 1v1 on it I’m ready for it). I’m a binge watcher too(if you got any recommendations for me I got you).

I have taken the Niyo global debit card delivery just before 6 days of flight to US, I never regretted the decision of selecting Niyo. I joined the Niyo global community right after they launched and I gained lots of knowledge not just in finance but also in travel, cool hacks that can make life simple.

If you have any questions regarding the admission process for MS in Us, accommodations query I can help you on that.


Hello, @Sai_Charan1 Welcome to the Niyo Global Community. Get ready for some exciting times ahead!:star2:


Hi everyone,

Allow me to introduce myself and share a little story of my life journey. My name is Sampat, and I’m thrilled to be part of this amazing Niyo Global Community as an Ambassador.

My journey started with a passion for exploring diverse cultures and expanding my horizons through education. I started my study abroad journey in pursuing Masters in Computer Science at the University of Southern California, where I had the opportunity to explore the vibrant and dynamic academic environment in the city of Los Angeles.

As a Niyo Customer, I have experienced firsthand the convenience and benefits of Niyo’s financial solutions while traveling and managing finances internationally. This positive experience has motivated me to become a Niyo Global Community Ambassador and share my insights and experiences with others.

When I’m not diving into the world of technology, there are two things I absolutely love doing. Firstly, I like traveling, and exploring nature and serene off beat places fills me with joy and also i like treks and trails and have a bucket list to do in the US :grimacing:. Secondly, I listen to music and also to podcasts at times (not that much of a fan though :P) and additionally i explore cars, which i have passion for :slight_smile:

Being part of the Niyo community is something that i am excited about. I believe that community-driven initiatives and the impact they can bring and also the amount of collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals brought me to Niyo as a Global Community Ambassador.

If you ever need assistance or support, feel free to reach out to me. I am particularly skilled in computer science related set of things, or study abroad, tech, Cars or anything, or something you would like to share about :slight_smile:

I am eager to connect with all of you, share experiences, and contribute to making this community an enriching and empowering platform for everyone.

Looking forward to this exciting journey together!


Hi @sampatk20! Great to see you here in the Niyo Global Community. Get ready for some really exciting times ahead! :handshake:


Hello Everyone,

I am Vedant Kale from Pune, India. I am a graduate student pursuing Masters in Engineering Management at the University of Southern California. Recently I completed my Summer Internship at TSMC Ltd.

I have completed my B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from India. During my undergrad I worked as an Intern at 3 different companies. Other than that I was captain of one of the University SAE teams and I was also the captain of University Mens Rowing Team. I have graduated in 2022.

My hobbies are playing soccer, listening to music & podcasts, writing blogs. I am a big Lionel Messi fan.

I have been Niyo customer since July 2022. I chose Niyo forex card because it was the best option for using in USA. Till date, the experience has been great. I am happy how Niyo is working hard and trying to improve there services everyday.


Welcome to the Niyo Global Community @Vedant_Kale! :star_struck: Expecting more & more blogs from your side for this community. :handshake:

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Hi everyone,

I am Lekhana Vali, an architect and currently studying MS Facilities Management at Pratt Institute, New York. I also worked as a graduate assistant at Pratt and am now actively looking for off-campus internships. Would love to know if anyone here knows of any opportunities for me :slight_smile:
When I was a few days away from flying to New York, I was still waiting for a forex card from other banks. After I came across Niyo from a common friend, I realized the benefits and received the card before the other bank. It was a relief for me and my family that I had a card to use after I landed.
Niyo’s active and friendly customer care is highly appreciated.

I paint, cook, read books, write and travel as my favorite pastimes. I like volunteering for a social cause and looking at ways to involve whenever possible.

I saw the Niyo Ambassador program not just as something I need to do for Niyo but also greatly as my personal finance development, along with an added advantage to serving others.
This was an opportunity for personal growth, Niyo’s growth, and the growth of a greater society.

Something you wouldn’t find visibly is that I do research on theology and am extremely keen on studying morality, human behavior, and cultural relativism.

Reach out to me for anything you find interesting about the things I mentioned above. I am open to taking architecture, space planning, workplace management, and facility management projects. I like writing and content creation. Feel free to ping me for a trip anywhere! FYI, I can cook and be a good host :wink:

Feel free to connect with me!


Welcome to the Niyo Global Community, @Lekhana_L_Vali!:blush:

Your background and interests are impressive, and we’re excited to have you here.:star2:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Travelers of the World, Welcome Home! :house: