Card color issue

How to know which color card is coming or will be delivered to me
In addition i completed the kyc and excited to know which color is coming the black one or the teal one
Bcz i like the teal one…

The Card that will be delivered to you will be the One that is chosen while scheduling the request .

Please wait for the Card to be delivered.

Kindly note that you can now place a replacement request using your NiyoX app. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Log in to the NiyoX app and block your existing VISA Platinum Debit Card
  2. Tap on ‘Order’
  3. Choose the card design ‘Morse Code’ or ‘Illustration Style’ as per your liking
  4. Choose your naming style you would like to be printed on the card
  5. Tap on ‘Next’
  6. Voila! Your request for a card replacement is now placed

Note: The replacement card is free of cost till 30th June 2021. Card delivery will take 15 days from the date you placed the replacement order.


Thanks for the solution…

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