Money not reflected

My friend transacted some amountto my Niyo Global account, the money is not reflecting in the Niyo global app.
It shows the transaction in the transactions tab but is not getting reflecting when on the home screen.
It shows the error “Pull down to refresh, we couldn’t fetch your balance”.

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Hello @Aneesh_Ahuja! Welcome to Niyo Community.

Upon checking, the funds have been successfully credited to your account. We request you to uninstall the app, re-install and try again. You should be able to see the updated Balance in your app. - WB

Thank you it worked.
But don’t you think uninstalling the application and reinstalling it for a glitch is bit too much.
Just to further reinforce my feedback, i am in a foreign country and my phone number attached with Niyo account was not working.
Just to get the OTP, i had to enable foreign roaming, since Niyo targets foreign students, this is inconvenient.


Hello @Aneesh_Ahuja! We’re glad to know that the issue is resolved. We’ve noted down your comments and have forwarded your feedback internally to the concerned team. Please reach out to our Live chat support by navigating through the Menu->Support section in the Niyo SBM app if we can ever assist in the future. - WB