Five countries you can travel to by train direct from London

5 Countries you can travel to by a Train direct from London.

1. London to France. :fr:

Eurostar is a train that travels from London to some other European countries. This train leaves London to Paris and it costs around £70-£80. (return)

There are about 16 trains going every day and it’s an hour and 30 minutes journey.

2. London to Belgium. :belgium:

This train leaves London to Brussels, which is the capital of Belgium. It’s a two-hour journey. It costs about £80.

3. London to the Netherlands :netherlands:

This train leaves London to Amsterdam which is the capital of the Netherlands. It’s a journey of 4+ hours and it costs about £80.

4. London to Spain. :es:

This train leaves London to Barcelona in Spain. It’s a 9 hours 15 minutes journey and it costs about £80 too. You could get it cheaper if you book early.

5. London to Germany :de:

The train leaves London to Cologne in Germany. It’s about 6 hours journey and it will cost you about £200.

These 5 countries can be travelled to by trains directly from London.


Thanks, @Cynthia! This is super helpful for anyone looking to explore Europe by train :bullettrain_side:. We appreciate you sharing these options. Keep it up!:blush: