Find ATMs with Surcharge free withdrawals near you

Hey Niyo Family! :wave::blue_heart:

:airplane: Every time you travel abroad, you want to find every way to save that extra dollar! :dollar::moneybag:

At Niyo, we’re excited to announce the launch of our new ATM locator on the Niyo app that can help you find nearby ATMs that won’t charge you any acquirer bank fees.

NOTE: While there won’t be any acquirer bank fees through these ATMs, Niyo ATM charges will be applicable. :tada::atm:

It’s a simple yet effective feature to help you save that extra dollar. :money_with_wings:

Here’s how you can access this feature:

How to access :iphone:

  1. Open your Niyo app :calling:

  2. Head over to Hub > ATM Locator :mag:

  3. Search for ‘Free ATMs’ around you :free::atm:

Please note: Make sure to update your Niyo app if you can’t find it. :arrows_counterclockwise:

Here’s a video to help you: :movie_camera:

In case you need help with ATM charges or related information through Niyo cards, check it out here: :page_facing_up:

Niyo ATM pdf.pdf (511.0 KB)

P.S. If you’re currently traveling abroad or when you do travel abroad, do check out this feature and share your experience with us in the comments below! :airplane::earth_americas::speech_balloon:

Happy travels and happy savings! :star2::credit_card:


This is helpful thanks! :blush:


How can we check ATMs in the International destination where we are intending to travel. We would like to know before hand if there are ATMs available near our landing airport. Is this possible ?

Hi this is not possible at the moment. But we are working on this in the coming releases. Thank you for your feedback.