Account got frozen without reason

My account is frozen. I am unable to transfer funds. I asked live chat for help. They told to make an email. Still not received reply. My issue is not solved. I am in hospital urgency. But i can’t use money from my account.

What to do?

Hi Abdulla,

I hope you’re doing okay.

I’m terribly sorry to hear about the inconvenience you’re facing with your frozen account. Your situation is understandably urgent.

You mentioned that you’ve already reached out to the team via email. Could you please provide me with the reference number of your complaint? This will allow me to check on the status and ensure that the necessary actions are taken promptly to resolve your issue.

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience caused, and I appreciate your patience.


This is the Case ID: SR821910

My account has debet freez

Hi @Aboodi2 @Mdkaif ,

Apologies for the delay in response.

We are unable to track the issue with the reference number provided. You should have received a 7-digit numerical reference number. Please share that number with me. Just to confirm, I hope you have written an email to
