Travel Community Meet-ups Across India! 🌍

What an Amazing Time at another Niyo Community Travel Meetup—Bengaluru! :earth_africa::sparkles:

We had an incredible time connecting with fellow travelers at our meetup in Bengaluru! A big thank you to everyone who joined us and shared their experiences. :raised_hands:

The event was filled with inspiring travel stories, tips on budget travel, and lively conversations about future adventures. Special thanks to our hosts, @Dcrag19 and @Tarang_Beriwala, for sharing their valuable insights and making the event truly memorable.

:camera_flash: Here are some snapshots from the day:

And the fun didn’t stop there! We captured some fun moments and reels during the meetup. Check them out here:
:movie_camera: Couple Travel Reel
:movie_camera: Friends Travel Reel

Whether you missed this one or attended, we’d love to see you at our next meetup. Stay tuned for more events and opportunities to connect with your travel tribe {Upcoming Travel Meetups! 👥}

Until then, keep exploring and sharing your travel experiences. :airplane::earth_americas: