🌍 Dubai Travel Meet-up with Arnav jain

Exciting news! Join us for a virtual meet-up on the enchanting city of Dubai, featuring a guest speaker, Arnav Jain!

:date: Date: 28th October
:clock3: Time: 2pm
:pushpin: Platform: Google meet
:microphone: Guest Speaker: Arnav Jain

Arnav Jain, a seasoned traveler and Dubai enthusiast who has travelled to Dubai 5 Times till date, will share his insider tips, experiences, and recommendations for exploring the mesmerizing city of Dubai. Whether you’re planning a trip or just curious about this dazzling destination, you won’t want to miss this event!

Takeaways of the meet-up :

1.) Dubai’s skyline and architecture
2.) Culture and traditional experiences
3.) Shopping
4.) Innovation and development
5.) Luxury and lifestyle
6.) Events and festivals
7.) Local etiquette and laws
8.) Safety and local tips
9.) Adventure and activities.
10.) Cuisine

Share this exciting news with your fellow travel enthusiasts! :airplane::cityscape: