Travel Tip/Hack of the Week! ✈️

:bulb::earth_africa: Hey everyone! I’m really excited about this initiative and can’t wait to see all your fantastic tips! Here’s a money-saving hack that’s worked wonders for me: While the Niyo Card is great for avoiding foreign transaction fees, having some cash on hand is always a good idea. :credit_card::sparkles: In some places, cash is still preferred, especially in local markets or smaller shops. :convenience_store::dollar:

Instead of exchanging a large amount of INR in India, consider doing it in the country you’re visiting. For example, when I traveled to the UAE a few months ago, I was initially offered around 1,290 AED for 30,000 INR in India. :flushed: I decided to wait and exchange the money in the UAE instead. To my surprise, I received around 1,520 AED! :tada: That’s a difference of 230 AED, which translates to approximately 4,500 INR saved! :money_with_wings::moneybag:

Not only does this approach often provide better rates, but it also allows you to familiarize yourself with local currency exchanges. :globe_with_meridians: Just be sure to check the exchange rates before you go, and try to find reputable exchange spots. :bank:

Having cash on hand really made my trip smoother, and I could take advantage of some great local experiences without worrying about card acceptance. :luggage::sparkles:

I’m excited to learn from your experiences too! Together, we can all make our travels more enjoyable, hassle-free and affordable. Happy travels, everyone! :earth_asia::sparkles::airplane::green_heart: