My account has been put into the debit freeze in equitas bank. I know this might be a security reason. But the money in that is my hard earned money. Please help me to un freeze my account

MyMy account has been put into the debit freeze in equitas bank. I know this might be a security reason. But the money in that is my hard earned money. Please help me to un freeze my account.


My savings account has been debit freeze. @Deepak please help me. I have rised the sr by sending the email. And also i forwarded that email to your team. Ticket number is 1402393. There is a marriage function in my house. I put all money in that account. Please look into the issue as soon as possible. Please it is my humble request. Because there are lot of work i have to do with the money which is deposited in the bank. Please help me @Deepak bro

Hi @alarun17, our sincere apologies for the account freeze hassle. You must have received an email from the bank asking for a few details to unfreeze your account. The bank needs some information/clarification from you. You need to reply to all the 6 questions and send the answer to (don’t reply to the email you received, send the email to Please send this email from your registered email ID (the one you used to create the Niyo Equitas account). You can also mention your name, registered mobile number, and account number. Once you send them your answers, the bank will review your answers. If the answers are alright, then Equitas bank will get back to you in up to 5 working days to unfreeze your account

If you have not received this email from Equitas or if you are facing any issues in sending your answers to, then you can send us your answers to us at and we will coordinate for you

My account has been freeze. I need my money please help me. I want my money back. My phone number is (8700335240) and and email id - is